
Thoughts and ideas on leadership, productivity, and tech.

How To Reinvent Your Life In 4 Months

19 June 2024

This transcript is from Cal Newport’s podcast episode “How To Reinvent Your Life In 4 Months (My Full Step-By-Step Process)”. In this episode, Newport discusses how to reinvent your life in 4 months using the Deep Life Stack framework which consists of four layers: Discipline, Values, Control, and Vision. Newport provides a step-by-step guide on how to implement each layer, including specific actions and timelines to follow.

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The Key to Better Relationships

19 June 2024

In this video by Andy Stanley on the “Your Move” series, he discusses the concept of love and its crucial role in relationships, especially during conflicts. He emphasizes that love involves absorbing and understanding the other person’s story rather than reacting. This requires listening, prioritizing the other person’s perspective, and recognizing that everyone’s behavior makes sense to them, even if it doesn’t to you. Stanley argues that anger issues are personal and not necessarily caused by the other person. He points out the myth that finding the “right person” will eliminate anger, stressing instead that personal growth and self-awareness are key.

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Demo Post Update

17 June 2024

This page is a demo that shows everything you can do inside portfolio and blog posts. We've included everything you need to create engaging posts about your work, and show off your case studies in a beautiful way.

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Rex the Wonder Dog

07 February 2020

I admit it, I'm a sucker for stop motion videos. If you haven't seen this before, then meet Rex the Wonder Dog. A truly amazing and creative video, the best part is that it created with a bunch of regular stuff that you probably around the house combined with a massive dose of creativity.

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Dog Journal vs Cat Journal

05 February 2020

Dogs have owners while cats have staff. That's why dogs come when called, and cats take a message and might get back with you later. I recently heard a speaker compare the entries from a dog's journal and a cat's journal.

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The Greater Danger

20 April 2019

The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.

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